Keto Lemon Raspberry Bars

This keto-friendly recipe by @on_westhoff_ranch is so delicious! The perfect combination of Lemon and Raspberry for a summer treat. Using our KetoCandyGirl Lemon Cookie and Cake Mix make this amazing desert or breakfast at home! Here's what she did!Β 

Bar Ingredients:

Raspberry Jammish Layer Ingredients:

  • 1 TB water
  • 1 tsp Knox unflavored gelatinΒ 

Lemon Frosting Ingredients:

  • 1/2c powdered @sonourishedinc Monkfruit/Erythritol blendΒ 
  • 1/4c softened butter
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 10 drops @oooflavors lemon pound cake concentrate to boost flavor
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon peel and more for garnish

Here's what she did:
  1. Mixed KetoCandyGirl Lemon Cookie and Cake Mix according to package instructions.
  2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  3. Spread mixture onto a parchment lined cookie sheet to about a 14x10 rectangle. (Please see pic)
  4. Bake for 8 minutes, or until done, since oven temps very. Take out of oven & cut into 3rds while still warm from the oven. (See pic)
  5. Let cool completely.
  6. Mix the ingredients for the raspberry jamish layer and set aside.Β 
  7. To a small saucepan add the following: 8oz. Fresh raspberries (weighed), 1/4c Xylitol, granular (because it doesn't crystallize, but keep away from pets), and 1/2c water.
  8. Bring to just barely a boil, then turn down to low & simmer for 20-25 minutes whisking ever so often.
  9. Press this liquid through a fine sieve to collect most of seeds. I made the mistake of not pressing it through a fine enough sieve, so my jam has some seeds. Oh well.
  10. Discard seeds & add Raspberry liquid back to pan. On low/med heat, add gelatin mixture, breaking up the gel, whisking until it starts to simmer. Let simmer 1-2 minutes. Take off heat & let cool. Cover & chill in fridge till cold & jam has set up a little. This takes a few hours, or 20 minutes in the freezer.
  11. Spread half of jam over 1 of the cookie layers. Then top with 2nd cookie layer. Spread that layer with remaining jam, & top with last layer of cookie.
  12. Cover & chill in fridge for at least a few hours or over night.
  13. Mix all together frosting ingredients with hand mixer and spread gently on top.
  14. Cut cookie into 20 bars.
  15. Enjoy!Β 